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See the beautiful first and then work to enhance it.

In so many ways we are trained to see problems, dysfunction, and what is broken, and are taught to focus on these first. And then it becomes a habit. The habit of seeing what doesn’t work first. And it often feels overwhelming,  leading to frustration, confusion, and depression.

But what happens if we create the habit of seeing what WORKS FIRST and expanding that?

We immediately FEEL better; that’s what happens! We see possibility and promise. We engage the muscle of persistence in our work because we feel hopeful. And then, this teaching infuses everything we do. Seeing the beautiful first allows us, as creatives and health and wellness professionals, to value our students’ strengths and build on them.

This is an assets-based approach where we value our students’ funds of knowledge and allow that to inform and shape how we address their challenges.

Just imagine the difference, both in the process of creating your course or program and delivering your course or program, when you work from an assets-based paradigm (rather than deficit-based). Not to mention how different that will feel for your students.

And besides, really, the not seeing what works first reflects more about our failure to see than it does about the object of our seeing.

So how far could we go if we value beauty, knowledge, and strengths first?

To begin to see the beautiful first in your work and your life, start here:

  • Identify what you LOVE, what lights you up, what works well
  • Create a plan to amplify what works:
    • From course topics to practices and habits in your life and work
  • Identify where you need to De-clutter and delegate (more on this in next blog)!
    • Hint: This might mean getting help for the things that weigh you down and hold you back from maximum momentum in the direction of your dreams.

Just think, when you leverage the power of your beauty, knowledge and strengths against any challenges you might face in your course, program, work and life, you will feel and BE unstoppable!