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This month I hit pause on many work and family related commitments to reflect, regroup, and recharge.

As a college professor, the seasonality of a summer break is one of the built-in blessings of the profession and one practice that I have taken with me into my business as a consultant + coach.

Hitting pause on all of that forward, drive-ahead motion that dominates so much of the year changes our momentum and creates space.

To begin the second half of the year anew, assess the gap between where you are and where you want to go, and then to decide on the actions needed to move you toward your highest potential in life and business.

To embrace your highest potential you must be willing to step off the shores of comfort and dive into uncertainty + possibility.

This takes courage. And it can be profoundly uncomfortable!

But getting comfortable with the discomfort of growing and changing is often exactly what is needed to grow into the most expanded, auspicious versions of ourselves.

Jumping off the shores of what is known and comfortable can mean different things depending on where we are.

Sometimes it means:

  • Taking disciplined action to meet our goals. Because a well-planned routine can help us cultivate new habits to get us where we want to go in our business and life.
  • Stepping off the shores of comfort + routine to reflect and gain perspective. Because as a friend once said, “there is a fine line between a groove and a rut.”

So, as we blast into the second half of the year, take some time to reflect on what is needed to address the “gap” between where you are and where you want to go in your business and life.

Once you have clearly assessed your starting point and your destination, reorient your inner GPS to get there. Create your own plan.

Ask yourself:

  • Do I need more space and free time?
  • Do I need more disciplined routine and clear goals?
  • Do I need a little bit of both?

Then, create habits that support your highest good. And remember, it is natural to bump up against your own, as well as others “edges” as you expand, grow and change. And even though this can be uncomfortable, it is part of the process!

Cheers to a wildly successful (whatever that means to you), healthy and joyful second half of the year in business and in life!