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“So this, I believe, is the central question upon which all creative living hinges: Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?” 

– Liz Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

As soulful entrepreneurs embarking on course + program creation, we seek to bring forth the treasures of our expertise that are often buried amidst a mountain of amazing ideas, client work, endless to-dos, responsibilities, care for others, lack of focus and many times, our own fears.

And fear is always part of courageous living and creative practice.

Lately, I have been acutely aware of the expansive nature of courage and contractive pull of fear.

Creativity so often bumps us up against our fears as we expand and create.

Over the years, many of us have been taught to banish and “conquer our fears.”  And we have fought the good fight, but, so much conquering my friends, can leave you exhausted.

When you commit to a creative journey (whether that is painting, writing, dancing, course creation, living a creative life, etc.), fear is and will always be present.

So, what if, as Liz Gilbert suggests in Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, we recognize that, “fear should always be allowed to have a voice, and a seat in the vehicle of your life. But whatever you do — don’t let your fear DRIVE.”

Acknowledging the presence of fear in any creative venture, while emphatically rooting into your own agency and power opens the doorway to possibility, effortless creation and joy.

It takes courage to bring forth your course + program creations.

When fear drives, it blocks us. When courage drives, it expands us.

So, as you embark on your course creation, notice where fear is present, if there is a message or concern you need to hear. If so, listen, and then choose who gets to drive.

Because when your courage and creativity drive your course + program creation, you will resonate more with your hopes than with your fears, and that, my friend, is some powerful stuff.

Cheers to courageous creating!